망외부성이 디지털 경제의 마케팅에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 = A study on the effect of network externality on marketing in the digital economy
한국과학기술원 | 77 pages| 2007.05.09| 파일형태 :
조회 1148 다운로드 0
With more sectors showing increasing returns, we are in need of modified concepts, models, and strategies for management in today`s digital economy. In chapter 2, this study incorporates network externality factors into marketing analysis m the digital economy. Total network size, local network size, and network strength are introduced and I found three network externality factors have different effects on the users` future usage intention for the four Internet services, In chapter 3, I developed a new diffusion model that incorporates the indirect network externality. New model incorporates the two-way interactions in forecasting the diffusion of hardware products based on a simple but realistic assumption.
The Effects of Direct Network Externality the Future Usage of Internet Services Research hypotheses Indirect Network Externality
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