문화상품의 공급사슬 동학 : 영화산업의 에이전트 모형접근
한국과학기술원 | 142 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 826 다운로드 1
When studying the motion picture industry, researchers have seldom focused on the integration and competition among the supply chain players, particularly because of the difficult of capturing all the supply chain dynamics through traditional methodologies. In this study, 1 developed and agent-based model and a method for validation through a chi-square test that verified the regeneration. After validating the model with real data, we conducted a set of simulation experiments. Research model is consists of two parts. A choice model of moviegoer is developed in the first part. I considered four factors as the key elements for understanding the box office dynamics of a movie. The factors are marketing strategy by service providers such as distributors or producers, critiques by Independent information provider such as media, word-of-mouth by decentralized network of moviegoers, and the feedback of the box office information by centralized media. I expanded the model of moviegoer to integrate the movie theater in the second part of the research.
영화산업 품질 마케팅 비평 입소문 문화상품 공급사슬동학 에이전트 모형접근 극장 현황 극장경영관행
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